Social Listening (BA223 Business Marketing)

What brand did you select? SpaceX

What is its Value Proposition? The goal of enabling people to live on other planets.

What are THREE things (both good and/or bad) people are saying? 
  • Aside from the long term goal of Mars, I believe SpaceX will pioneer many advancements in our technology and ways of life, wherever we find ourselves in the future. The reusable program is second to none, there have been many attempts and ideas about this in our past, SpaceX made it a reality, awesome! Enough said. -Brian Wilcox [facebook] "i believe this comment is very motivating to others and the SpaceX agency. It encourages reusable technology to prevent waste and reassures the public this company will benefit all of human society."
  • michaeljaenicke Keep it up!! Y’all are inspiring my generation to explore and make a difference thank you!! [Instagram] "I would have to tag my first comment to this post as well. More reassurance to the genral public."
  • BREAKING: Elon Musk arrested for kidnapping 137 children to harvest their energy for his next rocket to Mars. Apr 1 [Twitter] "This tweet is hilarious and the kind of earned advertising Elon and his companies deserve, even if cynical and false. This attention only adds to the character of these companies by generating a small chuckle. This kind of comments makes SpaceX more memorable."

What products/services are they trying to sell? Rocket transportation for corporations and governments, eventually for public transportation.

What aspects relate to marketing and the company's marketing campaign?  
For one thing, this company is owned by Elon Musk. What doesn't he have his hands in? one mention of one of his companies and you will hear about one of the others. Elon utilizes Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, and almost every form of social media to promote SpaceX and all his brands. He does not need to utilize traditional methods of marketing and advertising. He put his Tesla Roadster in a rocket and sent it to Mars. He is the epitome of earned advertising. 

What's the challenge facing the brand? The brand has issues with the effects his rockets may have on our atmospheric conditions and possibly making a permanent hole in our atmosphere. 

If you were the brand manager, how would you respond to customers? I would assure them that any affect is only temporary and we are working on methods to reduce and ultimately eliminate any future issues which could cause any disturbance to earth atmosphere.


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